A fantasy novel written by Morgan Smith and book design by Graham Publishing Group.

A fantasy novel written by Morgan Smith and book design by Graham Publishing Group.

So, you’ve written a book, and you’ve decided to self-publish. Now what?

How do you get your book in front of readers? How do you set yourself apart from the other books in your genre? How do you produce a book design that reflects all the hard work and dedication you put into writing it? All good questions. Let’s talk about a couple key factors you might want to consider when independently publishing.

First, is independently publishing the right path and journey for your book and you as an author?

Traditional and independent publishing both have advantages. Ask yourself, what do you want to accomplish with your book, and how best do you get there?

Who is your target audience? What genre is your book?

It is a big, beautiful world filled with books. Selecting your target audience, keywords and category is a critical and often overlooked part of the independent publishing process. And can either impede or improve your viewability while readers are searching online.

Now that you have determined your target audience. How best do you get your book to those readers?

Selecting the right print-on-demand company or ebook venue can help. A great way to maximize your exposure is to ensure your book is available with every major book vendor. Expanding your distribution, giving readers more accessible excess to your material.

The cover? Yes, the Cover.

The first thing people see before enjoying your story is the cover. A cover should be commercially viable, but also make sure that it is exactly the cover that you want and represents you and your book, no matter what the genre.

You have written a book! The next steps are an exciting part of that journey.

Read Part Two of this article here.