There are four basic steps that we recommend for Publishing Assistance and Book Design for Denver, Colorado and all are equally important in a beautifully published final product. The first is the often-overlooked process of professional copy editing and proof reading that ensures a mistake-free manuscript.
The second step in a professionally published e-book and print book is book cover design. The cover of your book represents a reader’s first impression of your book. It should be eye-catching. It should be evocative of the story you have created or the message your business book or self-help is delivering. It should be something you are proud to have representing you as an author.
The third step in Publishing Assistance and Book Design for Denver, Colorado is what we call interior design. This is the very important process of developing the proper format for the interior of both your print book and your e-book. This includes the proper font, chapter headings, and formatting and is vitally important in giving your book a professional, readable look.
The fourth and final step in your search for Publishing Assistance and Book Design for Denver, Colorado is the question of marketing your book once it is available to your readers. At Graham Publishing Group, we understand that the most important factor in selling your book is the exposure it receives to the reading public. Whether it is effective social media or presenting your book to book bloggers and book reviewers, our goal is to bring the finished product to life by the most positive, visible means possible.
Graham Publishing is not only an expert in cover design, but also offers the following services:
- E-book Publishing
- Book Marketing
- Ghostwriting and Editing
- Author websites
Publishing Assistance and Book Design for Denver, Colorado begins with a positive, interactive relationship with your publisher, and Graham Publishing Group believes in a partnership that puts you and your book first.
If you’d like more information on publishing assistance and book designer, we’d be happy to help you at Graham Publishing Group. Visit us online at, give us a call at 720-366-6401, or drop us an email.