Marketing Your Book with a Publisher for Bellingham, Washington

Marketing Your Book with a Publisher Marketing Your Book with a Publisher for Bellingham, Washington is one of the most important pieces of being a successful author. Whether you have completed your book or are in the process of writing a book, making sure your target audience knows it is available is crucial.  And whether you are marketing a novel, biography, business book, or self-help book, how you build a brand for your book and yourself as an author is just as important.

In your search for exactly the right Publisher for Bellingham, Washington to Market Your Book or E-Book, consider first that you have to create a buzz for your book both pre-publication and post-publication, and that is our specialty at Graham Publishing Group. We focus on developing a marketing plan and a look that provides appropriate promotional support for the release of your book or e-book.

Marketing Your Book with a Publisher for Bellingham, Washington is about utilizing the latest and most effective resources and tactics available to you. At Graham Publishing Group, we personalize the process to fit your novel, memoir, biography, or business book specifically.

When you consider Marketing Your Book with a Publisher for Bellingham, Washington, you will need to create an email marketing campaign designed to dissemination of your title, your synopsis, and your author information.  At Graham Publishing Group, that’s a good start but it’s just the beginning.

When marketing your special book, we will establish a presence on niche social networks and similar communities directly related to your title, genre, and literary communities. We will make title and author submissions to specific forums, message, and discussion boards, and we will make the best use of social networking avenues, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

Graham Publishing is not only an expert in e-book marketing, but also offers the following services:

  • Book Design
  • E-book publishing
  • Ghostwriting and Editing
  • Author websites

Marketing Your Book with a Publisher for Bellingham, Washington begins with a positive, interactive relationship with your publisher, and Graham Publishing Group believes in a partnership that puts you and your book first.

If you’d like more information on Marketing Your Book with a Publisher for Bellingham, Washington, we’d be happy to help you at Graham Publishing Group.  Visit us online at, give us a call at 720-366-6401, or drop us an email.

Not in Bellingham, Washington?

We offer full-service Independent Publishing Assistance across the United States! Contact Graham Publishing Group at 720-366-6401 or send us an email.

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